Prof. Dr. Aykut Recep Aktas
+90 552 310 57 11


The main way to find out if your nodule is cancerous or benign
If FNA cannot identify which nodule type
you may be referred for molecular/genetic testing at this time.
Key points:
Tell your doctor about all medications and supplements you use.
including aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
(NSAIDS) and prescription blood thinners
argatroban, pradaxa, warfarin, or xarelto.
We recommend that you stop taking certain medications for a few days before the FNA test.
You may be asked to wear suitable clothing so that your doctor can easily reach your neck, or to remove your neck collars and necklaces if you have them.
Your neck is wiped with an alcohol wipe. It is then dried with a piece of gauze.
FNA uses a very small needle, thinner than blood drawn, to draw cells from the nodule in your thyroid.
It doesn't hurt more than a pinch on your neck and is mild with low risk. swelling, pain, or redness may occur.
Cells are applied to glass slides so they can be examined under a microscope.
Needle Because the needle is so small, injecting anesthesia may not be necessary. However, it can be done on demand.
Sometimes spraying ethyl chloride or Just keep an ice pack.
Before the biopsy, discuss with your doctor whether you want anesthesia.
A mild sedative can be administered to our patients with panic attacks.
You will be lying on your back for the FNA itself. Your neck will be gently sterilized.
The needle will only be inserted for a very short time (about 10 seconds). You can breathe during the procedure, but
should not speak or swallow. In most patients, 2 injections are sufficient.
The FNA procedure usually takes about 10 minutes from going to bed.
Most patients do not require bandages or pain relievers. If it is painful, a light cold compress can be applied.
The procedure should not interfere with your daily life. most patients
Can drive, exercise or work right after FNA.
Your FNA samples will be sent to a pathology lab;
specialists examine cells to determine your diagnosis.
They know the results within 48-72 hours. If molecular work is to be done, it may take another week or two.
Some doctors give results over the phone, while others
may prefer patients to come to the office to give results. We send it via e-mail.
Some doctors ask the patient to come for follow-up
visit one week after FNA to report and track results
it may be good.

In standard, non-targeted 12 quadrant prostate biopsies, the rate of not being detected although cancer is present is around 30 percent, while this rate is around 5-10 percent in fusion biopsy with prostate MRI. Accordingly, the probability of detecting prostate cancer increases 3-5 times in MR prostate fusion biopsy compared to standard biopsies.

What is the breast vacuum biopsy technique?
The method of removing the breast masses from the needle hole with local anesthesia without surgery is both a diagnosis and a treatment method for benign tumors of the breast.
It is a half-hour outpatient diagnosis and treatment procedure that does not require hospitalization.
The patient is given a mild sedative and the procedure is performed under local anesthesia without surgery.

Needle biopsy method is often used in lung biopsy. Depending on the size of the tissue to be taken in the biopsy, fine needle or thick needle biopsies are preferred. Lung biopsy can be performed in outpatient settings or in the operating room. The procedure is usually painless. Depending on the size of the tissue to be taken, local anesthesia or general anesthesia is preferred. Before the biopsy, a day-long hospitalization is made. 4 hours of fasting is required before the procedure.
There are 3 basic diseases that require biopsy of lung tissue. These are lung cancer, cancer that spreads to the lung outside the lung, and benign tumors in the lung. Among these diseases, tumors in the lung that require biopsy most frequently are tumors. In order to understand whether there is a tumor in the lung, it should be followed up with computed tomography or other imaging methods. A biopsy is required to understand whether the existing tumor in the lung is benign or malignant, and if it is malignant, which type of tumor it is. In cases where the disease has been diagnosed, biopsy may be required to understand the stage of the disease. The tissue sample obtained as a result of the biopsy is sent to the pathology department to be examined under the microscope. In addition to these, biopsy may be required in the enlargement of the lymph nodes located right next to the lung, in the diagnosis of cirrhosis or hepatitis.