TAKE method in liver masses
In Interventional Radiology, TACE is a method of providing direct chemotherapy to tumors in the liver and occlusion of the vessel feeding the tumor. Here, since chemotherapy and vasoconstricting drugs are given directly to the vessel feeding the tumor, it is ensured that the tumor receives intensive chemotherapy and the vessels that feed it are closed. Also, since it is a tumor-focused application, the biggest advantage is that the whole body is not under the influence of heavy chemotherapy.
TAKE is a non-surgical procedure performed by entering from the inguinal region. This method is applied for patients with liver cancer or a mass due to cancer spread and who have not benefited from systemic chemotherapy.
Microwave and cryoablation methods are also effective non-surgical treatment methods in cancer. #kemoterapi #ameliyatsızkansertedavileri #TAKE #girişimselradyoloji #karaciğer #karaciğertümörü #karaciğerkisti #karaciğerkitlesi #karaciğerdelezyon #mikrodalgaablasyon #kriyoablasyon #radyoembolizasyon
TAKE Yönteminin En Büyük Avantajı "Tüm vücudun ağır kemoterapinin etkisi altında kalmamasıdır."
